Hello all students and parents!
I'm hoping wherever you are, you have time to enjoy this glorious sunshine! It's great to leave Winter behind and move towards some warmer days!
So, I'm seeing some great work this month from everyone. I know there is a lot going on behind the scenes (excuse the pun!) with exams, commitments etc....you all lead very busy and full lives.
If you are feeling any sense of overwhelm, remember little and often. Big changes are more likely to happen with little steps each day. So if you are unable to complete a task, or unable to attend a session, find some time in your day/week to keep up your training in some way. Whether that's going back to your diaphragm breathing exercises for 10 minutes, making some notes on a particular scene you enjoyed watching. Whatever works for you...as long as you stay connected and keep going is the key : )
Also to note, if you are doing that...let's put into practice your professional training and communicate this with me. Let me know if you aren't going to there or you can't complete a task. It's learning mutual respect for your team.
With that information, I decided to do things a little differently this month.
In July, we are working towards inviting guests/parents to come and watch YOU.
Yes...you will have a small audience to witness your work so far and all the progress you have made.
I'd like you to find a couple of options of scenes/script/monologue to bring to your next class. This can be a piece for yourself, or you might like to buddy up with someone else or create a small group. This is all research at the moment and we will start to look at what you've brought and work out which is best to move forward with.
These pieces want to be under 3 minutes long, or 5 minutes if you are in a pair/group.
They can be from a series, film or play. On this occasion, no MT please.
Please feel free to share options on the chat here or you can email with any questions.
Bring these pieces to both your classes in June.