Welcome to July!
It's been wonderful to catch up with you all in your individual check in's. Those who haven't had theirs yet, I will be seeing you soon!
Another great month ahead... and welcome back to our amazing accent and voice coach, Phoebe Taiano.
Phoebe will be teaching you online for your first session of the month.
This will be a fun class all together working through some different accents!
You also have the wonderful Libby Walker to take your in person session in South Shields. I will be teaching your Agency online class this month... so full of girl power!!
Please see below the dates/times for this month...
Friday 5th July - Online Session A - Phoebe Taiano
5.00 - 7.00pm
Friday 19th July - Online Session B - Jennifer Davison
5.00 - 7.00pm
Sunday 21st July - In Person Session, South Shields - Libby Walker
10.30 - 1.30pm
You will see this month, the classes are again together. This worked really well recently and I'm liking the learning dynamic, so I will keep this for now.
You are also gaining extra teaching time which is great for you all.
Any questions, always feel free to reach out. We are all here for you!
Zoom Link below.
Topic: SHiELDS Academy - Online Training
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Meeting ID: 825 0807 5194
Passcode: 395175