I have a great task for you which carries on from our theme this month of 'Naturalism'.
You will have already started to look at these in class, however your task now is to take this scene and self tape it from home as if this was a real casting.
Please keep in mind everything we have talked about, keeping it very natural and real for you.
I have attached a couple of examples below to remember how to set up your tapes.
Group Spielberg and Scott - Instructions
Please self tape the following, starting with a short ident including your first name, age and agent (please say Jennifer at Shields Agency)
Scene: Kitten Room - The Worst Witch
Role: Maud or Mildred
Please upload your tapes (no larger than 100mb - compress you tapes for easy downloading) to the SHiELDS Academy link below on or before Monday 3rd October - 6.00pm
Group DuVernay and Meyers - Instructions
Please self tape the following, starting with a short ident including your first name, age and agent (please say Jennifer at Shields Agency)
Scene: Interview scene from Unforgotten
Role: Fiona or Sunny
Please upload your tapes (no larger than 100mb - compress you tapes for easy downloading) to the SHiELDS Academy link below on or before Monday 3rd October - 6.00pm
