Welcome to July everyone!
I have really loved working with you all last month, it was a real treat to be able to share our online sessions together as well as in person. I'm very proud of you all, I know it's been a very busy past month. I've seen your resilience and passion shine through!
So, with last month's focus being on 'Rehearsals'...it's only natural that this month will be about 'Performance'.
This month is special...we've never opened the doors to to our Academy classes before. The reason being, this is a space for all our students to feel it's a safe and private space to grow their talents amongst each other. I see your progress and I really want to celebrate how far you've all come. So... our next in person session, I'd like to invite all parents/guardians/friends to come to watch and celebrate you all!
After you have shown the pieces you've been working on, I'm going to open up the space for chats and we will run a fun 'Student/Parent' Masterclass, where I will teach those of you who wish to learn how to help with at home self tapes!! - I've done this before and it's always a good laugh.
(Also a good skill as i'm sure you've already been roped in to read some scripts or hold a camera while trying to stop the shaky hands!)
The sessions will run as follows...
Sunday 16th July - South Shields - The Customs House
All Students arrival: 12.00 noon
1.00pm - Audience Arrival of guests
1.15pm - Showing of work in Open Class
2.15pm - Q&A with Jennifer and a fun interactive parent/student 'Self Tape' Masterclass
3.00pm - Finish
Sunday 23rd July - Stratford Upon Avon - Crown Plaza Hotel
All Students arrival: 12.00 noon
1.00pm - Audience Arrival of guests
1.15pm - Showing of work in Open Class
2.15pm - Q&A with Jennifer and a fun interactive parent/student 'Self Tape' Masterclass
3.00pm - Finish
Could you please email me with who is attending so I know for numbers...that would be SUPER helpful, thank you!
Before that, we have our ONLINE SHiELDS ACADEMY class this Friday.
Our fabulous coach Momo Yeung will be coaching the session and rehearse your pieces with you. So please bring these to the class!
(You can see Momo above in the photo as 'Hong Kong Master' in the Marvel Dr Strange Feature Film!)
Friday 7th July - SHiELDS Academy - Online with Momo Yeung
4.30 - 6.00pm = Group Spielberg & Scott
6.15 - 7.45pm = Group DuVernay and Meyers
Topic: SHiELDS Academy - South Shields & Stratford Upon Avon - Online Training
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 825 0807 5194
Passcode: 395175
Have a fabulous month everyone, I will also be starting to chat to you all individually to organise your exciting August 'One to One Sessions'... so keep an eye out!